An open letter to Nylon Magazine:
Dear Nylon Magazine,
Are you avid readers of my blog Guns at Home? Do you remember that post when me and Andrew took pictures in the field of canola and I wore the Mickey Mouse hat? Did you tune in when I was visiting Winnipeg and took a photo of my innovative shoulder piece made of antlers? You must have this blog in your bookmarks because that is the ONLY EXPLANATION FOR WHAT I FOUND IN THIS MONTHS ISSUE OF NYLON FEATURING THE OSBORNE SIBLINGS.
ALSO, WHAT'S THIS I SEE? KELLY OSBORNE HAS BLACK HAIR AND RED LIPS? I, OWNER OF GUNSATHOME.BLOGSPOT.COM ALSO HAVE BLACK HAIR AND (FREQUENTLY) RED LIPS. I'm going to try to breathe for a minute but please expect a Cease and Desist order in the mail in 5 to 10 business days.
Thank you for your time,
Stefanie, owner and sole blogger of copyright reserved trademarked patent pending
there are lots of circle frames in this post... I count 8
As photographer of these photos I demand at least a 20% cut of the Nylon stocks, full blogging privileges on all Nylon sites/affiliates sites, 24 hour access to Nylon & Nylon Mens closet(s), invitations and airfare for all upcoming Nylon sponsored events, and prime ad real estate in the magazine and/or on the website for whenever or whatever I may so desire.
If these demands are not met I am not afraid to take you to court, Nylon.
nylon i will pay someone to rape yr children
as ruler of middle earth, i hereby order a cease and desist in that you no longer adorn yourself with holy elvin shoulder horns.
jack os is like stef pls don't kill me with your antler horns they made me do it
kind of?
that's just far too coincidental.
Nylon has crossed the line!!
mickey mouse hat with red lipstick has never been done?
lmao, obviously anonymous doesn't know what sarcasm is
no way hozay!
marvin s-j totalllyy reads GAH and totallyyy owes you credit.
uhmmm, is it morally okay to laugh at pesik, justalilbit?
or will someone shoot me?
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