OKAY OKAY I think tonight calls for a -point form post- Is it never not time for a point form post?
-Don't you hate that song that goes "I WAS GETTIN SUM HEAD, GETTIN GETTIN SUM HEAD" like, NO you don't write a song about it keep that to yourself! I was going to name my post "No diggity" but I already have a post named that so I SETTLED.
-I'm wearing a really gross outfit that will not be pictured here for obvious reasons. A big old skirt as a tube dress and this ratty old cardigan. Remember when this blog was semi-about fashion? But really, my pajama outfits are NOTORIOUSLY schizo. You know how some people have like SET pajamas that they wear every night? I wear a different pajama outfit every night. One morning after a particularly blurry night out, I woke up in the tank top I had worn the night before with big woolen thigh-high socks and nothing else. Like, nothing. Maybe don't picture that.
-What happens if you take more than the recommended dose (2) Tums at a time? Do you die? Cause the chocolate ones are hitting the SPOT right now.
-I think this post is turning into a display of how unsavoury a person I am.
-Going on the theme of gross I was going to take a picture of my huge blister from wearing slighty-too-tight thrift store Docs but that's like punishment.
-I realized I make this gross face when I dance and it's not funny at all and operation "MAKE A COMPLETELY REGULAR FACE NO MATTER HOW YOU'RE DANCING" has officially begun. I've been practicing for about 5 minutes.
AND KICKIN to make up for my temp-death, I'll post some jpegs I've been saving in my good ol' "Blog Folder" to post here. Folk Fest was crazy by the way. More on that later.
JOHN TRAVOLTA BABY this made me laugh so hard.
I sort of need those tights. Lil' bit.
When I saw this I said, out loud, OH MY FUCKING GOD. How lol is it
Lastly, I kind of need to be this girl. Right. Now. Thank u
So the other day in my Folk Fest camping pass panic, I posted an ad on Kijiji.com in search of one. Yesterday I received an email from a woman named Marie, a reporter from the national Canadian radio (the CBC, my faaaaaave thing ever) wanting to do an interview with me.
I thought "well, if nothing else, this might help me get a camping pass!" So I emailed her back and she gave me her phone number. Today I called her and she said she will be interviewing me tomorrow morning over the phone and it will pose the question
"Why are people willing to go to such great lengths just to camp at the Winnipeg Folk Festival?"
And after hanging up the phone, I thought "Oh shit. That's a really good question. I'm going to make a fool of myself on the radio." But then this evening I decided to look through the photos of last year's Folk Fest and it alllllll came back to me:
click to enlarge these awesome photos were taken by my best friend Andrew Chipman. Genius.
If any folk-festers are reading this: why are you willing to do crazy things for a folk fest pass?
actually triplets, KIND OF RIGHT? I love my new glasses in any case. I found a camping pass. I'd plug my saviour Hannah's blog but she DOESN'T HAVE ONE :)
a friend's roommate was holding a Folk Festival Camping Pass for me but suddenly forgot and sold it to another.
help me out if you can internets, or at least keep your ear to the ground and if somebody asks if you need one say "NO NOT ME, BUT STEF JESNEY DOES, EMAIL HER AT stefinmotion@hotmail.com OK? OK."